No Worries About:

  • damage to your property
  • last minute cancellations
  • inconsistent visits or even no shows
  • Incorrect or missed doses of medication
  • lack of care and attention provided to your pets
  • poor communication around how things are going
  • risky interactions for those who are immune compromised

All of these scenarios could easily become the result of going for the cheapest rates. My insurance covers a wide range of liabilities that cheap services don't. Do you want the cheapest care or the best care for your pets?

Rates & Services

Drop-in: 30 Minutes - $35

These are typically for the kitties, but will be appropriate for any indoor pet. I will clean the litter, replenish food and water, then give them lots of love!

Drop-in: 30 Minutes with Medication - $50

I will clean the kitty litter, replenish food and water, then give oral or topical medication and lots of love!

Drop-in: 60 Minutes - $60

I will spend an hour with your pet. They will have clean litter, fresh food, water and get lots of play time.

Drop-in: 60 Minutes with Medication - $70

I will spend an hour with your baby and make sure they get (oral or topical) medication. They will have clean litter, fresh food, fresh water and snuggles.

Add-on for Additional Pets - Starting at $15

There is a fee for additional pets.

  • Cats: $15
  • Dogs: $25
  • Other: $25

Dog walk: 30 minutes - $40

I will meet at your residence to take your pup for a 30 minute walk.

Dog Walk: 30 Minutes with Medication - $55

I will meet at your residence to take your pup for a 30 minute walk. I will also administer oral or topical medication.

Dog Walk: 60 Minutes - $60

I will meet at your residence to take your pup for a walk for an hour.

Dog Walk: 60 Minutes with Medication - $75

I will meet at your residence to take your pup for a walk for an hour. I will also administer any oral or topical prescription.

Add-on For Holiday Rates - $25

Holiday rates will be applied for bookings overlapping a holiday.

  • President's Day 2/17
  • Easter - 4/20
  • Memorial Day - 5/26
  • Juneteenth - 6/19
  • 4th of July - 7/4
  • Labor Day - 9/1
  • Veteran's Day - 11/11
  • Thanksgiving - 11/27
  • Christmas Eve - 12/24

Extended Care - Starting at $100 Per Day

Book around the clock care including staying with your pet overnight, if required. I must be relieved no later than 7am the following morning. If services are required beyond 7am, hourly rates will be applied at $60/hour. Please also remember to schedule time for an in-person meet & greet if you are a new client.

  • Pet sits up to 3 days: $100/day
  • Pet sits up to 6 days: $145/day
  • Pet sits up to 14 days: $175/day